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Discount Meeting Registration

  • Regular members of CSH receive a discounted meeting registration rate of $25.00 per class, a savings of 50% compared to the non-member rate of $50.00 per class.

  • Student members of CSH also receive a discounted meeting registration rate of $15.00 per class, a 70% savings compared to the non-member rate.


  • Members of CSH can be nominated for awards presented at the annual meeting. Several of these awards carry at monetary value ranging from $200.00 to $500.00.

  • Members of CSH can cast votes for awards.

  • Non-members are not eligible for nomination and cannot vote.


  • Members have access to download current and past copies of the CSH newsletter.

  • Non-members do not have access to download the newsletter.

Officer Elections

  • Members are able to run for office, e.g. president, vice president, treasurer or secretary.

  • Members are also able to cast votes during officer elections, which occur every two years.

  • Non-members are not eligible to run for office or cast votes during officer elections.


  • Members can cast their votes during the annual business meeting for items on the agenda that require a vote of membership, e.g. changes to the bylaws, etc.

  • Members can cast votes for the CSH awards.

  • Members can cast votes for officer elections.

  • Non-members are not eligible to cast votes during the business meeting, cast votes for awards or officer elections.